About Me

Hello Everybody!

First of all, thank you for your time being visiting my weird (?) blog. Now, i’d like to introduce myself a little bit. okay,

My Name is Hani. And i was born on Solo, 5 December 1999. I’am from Solo, Indonesia. I very like Super Junior and actually, i’am a Ever Lasting Friends (ELF–SuperJunior Fans Name–). Are you ELF too? Please contact me at Line : Hacom05 or Email: tsumiki123[@]yahoo[dot]com. i like other singer too. i’m not only like super junior. i like winner, b1a4, exo, and others. or some western musicians like 5sos, ariana grande, and others<3

Okay, I think it’s enough for now. if you want to know more about me, you can contact me! let’s be friends guys! i want to have more friends like foreign people, ofc indonesian people too! and, sorry for my bad grammar at this post 😦 if i was wrong, you can correct me!<3 ok. bye!

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